HALAQA CANCELLED FOR TONIGHT: Due to inclement weather conditions, the Halaqa is being cancelled. Please stay warm and stay safe انْ شَا ءَ اللّٰه. Thanks, Masroor

Due to recent Eid-ul-Adha festivities and up coming MACE Eid and Haji’s welcome back party on 9/23/2017, family Halaqa has been cancelled for today 9/8/2017.

Assalamu Alaikum Everyone EId Mubarak to all of you and we wish all the Hajjis safe trip. Eid ul Adha will inshAllah be celebrated on Friday, September 1, 2017. The Eid Salat will be at 8:30 am. Since we are anticipating a large turnout please try to carpool and arrive by 8:00 am. Parking * People can drop their families at MACE and park at Office Max …

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