MACE JULY 9TH 2022 Eid Al-Adha Celebration
Place: MACE Islamic Center
26901 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts, OH 44143
Time : 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Takbirat starts at 8:00 am
Prayer starts at 8:30
GameTruck.Bounce House for the kids
Ice Cream, Meat & Cheese Ftayer, Samosa, Donuts and Water/Tea for everyone!
Come early for MACE parking. When full, which will happen, extra remote parking is available and marked. It is .4mi away, 7 min walk, at 27227 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts, OH 44143 with shuttle available starting at 7:45 am. Suggest dropping off family members at MACE before going to the remote location to park and ride the shuttle.
Eid Mubarak and safe insha’Allah. Masking is highly recommended.
MACE Admin